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Stanley Park

If you’re ever in Vancouver, be sure to visit the totem poles in Stanley Park. While the totem poles located at Brockton Point were collected from a multiple First Nation tribes, the Squamish Nation had most recently inhabited the area. The Squamish Nation included 23 villages that lived in Vancouver and the surrounding areas prior to the arrival of the Europeans in North America.

Totem poles serve a variety of purposes. Some totem poles represent an individuals family tree with each image representing a former family member. Other totem poles act as memorials to significant tribal members, and still others signify important historical events. Sometimes, the totem poles are a mix of history and legend meant to inspire the next generation.

The pictures below show some of the sights that we encountered during our visit to Stanley Park. I hope that you enjoy the First Nations’ artwork as much as we did.


Our Land

Totem Pole


What do you think?

Written by Chris B.

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