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Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden

If you’re visiting the Seattle area, be sure to check out the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden in Federal Way, WA. The gardens are home to over 700 different rhododendron species. We visited in the early Spring when the gardens were coming back to life after the winter months. However, regardless of when you visit, there is beauty to be found year round. The facility has guided and self-guided tours with highlights that vary depending on the season.

While my home state of Colorado is arid and bland at certain times of the year, the gardens in Washington were lush and green during our visit. Below, enjoy some of the photos that we took during our visit.


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10 Points

Written by Chris B.

Energy Dependence Day - Two countries, different in almost every way, yet bound by the common thread of oil. #author #book #ebooks #thriller