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Mt. Pulag, Philippines: The Best View From On Top

One of the well-known mountains in the Philippines is Mt. Pulag. It stands 2,922 meters above sea level and is located in between the provinces of Nueva Vizcaya, Benguet, and Ifugao in Northern Luzon, Philippines.

It is said to be the third highest mountain in our country. It is famous because of the “SEA OF CLOUDS” view. As you can see in the photos below, the clouds gave an exceptional beauty of the place.

After long hours of climbing the mountain is a worthwhile jaw-dropping view of nature.

The wave-like clouds are what you can notice first.  You can also do camping during Tuesdays- Thursdays only and the rest of the day is not allowed. 

The Philippines offers the outstanding beauty of natures and cannot be resisted by those nature lovers like me.


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15 Points


  1. A special adventure for amazing results. By the way, what’s the distance to walk on foot from the departure post where the vehicle is parked, Cassy?

      • My dear Cassy, I am afraid that I will never see the Philippines in my life … it does not ride by plane … I have a very big fear of flying

          • Probably Cassy alone this would take even eternity … when he came to the Philippines he would have been very old hahaha

  2. Wow you are so blessed to see this beauty in person. Thanks for sharing the views!

  3. What wonderful views! I see you are dressed quite warmly – I guess you feel a big temperature difference at nearly 3km above sea level 🙂

    • It’s too cold at Mt. Pulag all year especially this month ’till F February but with the beauty of the place, the cold is nothing.

    • Haha sure Trafalgar. I look forward being with the GREAT VIRILY blogger, Trafalgar at Mt. Pulag. I will be your tour guide.?