My first exposure to cameras was a Kodak 110 Instamatic cameras. I took pictures with that camera (my sister and I both got the same camera and 4 rolls of film each as early Christmas presents in Bangkok Thailand right before we headed back to the US). I took pictures of India, Afganistan, Copenhagen and then once we were home Cambridge Wisconsin.
Each of those pictures remains a treasure to me now. One of them was one I took side by side with my father on the way home from Thailand, in Copenhagen Denmark. The Little Mermaid sculpture. I made my kids walk across half of Copenhagen to retake that picture last year. Why? With my father gone, I wanted to leave my kids a legacy like my father left for me.
The two images shared with this post are a digitized version of the 1972 picture taken by a Kodak Instamatic 110 camera and then stored in a photo album for 40 years and finally scanned. The quality of the newer image (take with an Olympus TG-4 camera) is beyond amazing. I didn’t have zoom on my Kodak.
We did, however, get to recreate the picture my dad and I took. I had each of the kids and my lovely wife take a photo of the little mermaid. Thus completing the critical and historical trip for me.
Now the reality – I took 120 pictures (my little sister gave me one of her rolls of film for our Kodaks) on the trip home from Bangkok. Of those, I took 12 or so in Copenhagen. We were there last summer for 3 days and I took over 500 pictures. The value and advantage of digital cameras are you can take a lot of pictures.
Personally as a long time camera nut now, I cannot tell you of a better camera than the Olympus TG series if your goal is an easy and functional point and shoot camera. I highly recommend the Canon cameras if you are looking for a DSLR, but you cannot beat the Olympus TG series for a multifunctional camera you can use for underwater, video, and still images. The new TG-5’s actually also support slo-mo and high-speed images as well.
Plus, start a family history project and share those pictures!