Many years ago, before the Internet was Commercially Available, there were Bulletin Board Servers. These computers were contacted by phone. It was not much different than when you send a ‘fax’. You dial a phone number, via your computer, the number connects you to the BBS and you can type messages, play a game, communicate with other users.
Hackers were born on BBS. They would hack into other people’s accounts, they would connect to other networks, be able to find passwords. BBS users learned how to protect themselves.
They learned the use of nicknames and difficult to hack passwords. Banker learned the hard way not to use ‘Bank’ as his password and after trial and error realised that B@nk02 was easy to recall and difficult to hack.
When we got onto the Internet we honed our hacking skills often trying to warn our local agencies of the dangers. Our advice often fell on deaf ears and so we used our knowledge to protect ourselves.
We learned early that white American males got respect and that people from Third World Countries did not, so often created duals… that is a white American male to get the respect (if we weren’t white American males).
We created different email accounts under different names.
Sure, this was our business email in our official capacity. And this one might be just for friends and family. But every site we joined, from message board to the aforementioned social platforms, was done with a different Nick Name, a different email address in a different Nickname and an image we took from the ‘Net.
This was our ‘strategy’ from 1995.