A cool tech wander column today. One of the things I am enjoying right now is the Automatic products. This is a product that fits in the ODB or management port of your car. The most next Pro version of the toolset has a cellular connection. Why would you care? Well, it can automatically in the case of emergency contact the police. It, the Automatic tool, also notifies you when the vehicle it is plugged into begins moving or is parked (and the address). Having young drivers first out on their own, I have to say the peace of mind that brings me is incredible. I always know where they are and in the case of an accident know the tool is there to help!
Another tool that I have been enjoying a lot lately is the Navdy HUD. A HUD or Heads Up Display allows you to see what is going on with your car, as well as what is going on around you. The screen is clear in that you can see through the screen to the road beyond. You can configure the screen to show you the map of the road ahead or a dashboard. I like the dashboard the most in that I can see my current driver’s score (how well am I driving). I can also see the maximum allowed speed and my current speed as well as glances. The glances are nice because the device will read the text and notification messages to you. Makes it so much easier to focus on driving!
Both of these items are ones I use every single day. Both are plugged into the management port of cars we own. I have another solution coming, waiting for parts, to put in my wife’s car. But overall the solutions I have are really useful. Automatic does not include a heads-up display, but they have a great application for your cell phone. Navdy has the nice HUD display, but they do also have a great application you can use on your cell.
Both of these products are great additions to any car! PS the original Automactic doesn’t have the cell connection but is still an awesome tool. If you are interested I have one listed on eBay right now. Gently used!!!
THank you!