I am pretty old and maybe set in my ways. Still I am always willing to try something different to see if might work better. Recently I wrote some information on how we can create different pathways to help increase our memory recall. It”s well documented not really new and it’s often ignored, even by teachers.
I did the post as a poll and I was shocked. I realize that every few people actually take the poll, but at least two did this time. (Maybe they were trying to see if they would earn a “v” for truly doing everything on the site. (The answer is no to that.)
But here is what shocked me. The question on the post was in reference to learning differently.
Would you be willing to try something different?
50% said no. No, you wouldn’t even consider giving something new and improved a try? I find that very sad. We are learning all sorts of new ways to learn, communicate and improve, but 50% would not try anything different.
Have we lost our sense of adventure?