
Love ItLove It

The best time for a new start

Spring … It is the call of nature for life, it is the hope for a new beginning. Spring is the season we most commonly associate with purification, the shrinking of the old spiritual and physical burdens, the renewal, the change, and the new beginning.

Did you hear how a piano player plays,

when the spring is kneeling in white,

the cigar with his passionate trellis,

a swallow of a swallow.

Are you smelly with grass,

with the fragrance of wild violets,

a bunch of pearls in the dark forest,

with which they are self-riding.

Are you kissing in the early morning

from the sun bathed in dew,

when a gentle breeze blows

and gently strokes you on your hair.

Are you sleeping tonight weary,

when an outcast love nightingale sings,

from the spring swallowed, obedient,

in the distant moon his eyes blazed.

© Elenka Smilenova 2018 – All Rights Reserved


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Written by lacho59


    • Unfortunately, I’m with Olympus and Nikon D3400 with the simplest lens. But I’m not giving up I’ll buy other lenses. Thanks for the visit and the comment