A lot of people grow in their home Chinese Rose (Hibiscus rosa – hinensis). It is an interesting interior shrub from China and Japan with evergreen shiny green leaves and beautiful colors – simple or crusty. Most common are red, but also white, yellow, pink. He likes the light, but without the direct sun. It has to be sprinkled on a regular basis, without being overwhelmed. Occasionally, hibiscus pays generously for care with abundant blooms from spring to autumn, although the color has a short life – a couple of days. Sometimes the blossoming is poor or not, the branches are drained, the stem is exposed and the bush loses its charm.
A period of relative rest, in a bright place, with a temperature of 5-100 ° C, with reduced watering, is required in winter. Part of the leaves fall off. Hibiscus is wintering warm, shoots shoots, but can not prepare for flowering. Chinese rose forms colors on annual shoots. It is right every spring to cut off each branch in the spring – leave only 3 buds. Then the soil is changed into a slightly larger pot, watered abundantly, and when new sprouts appear, it is fertilized with liquid fertilizers. Plants develop in a bright and warm place. In summer the pots are exported outdoors when possible. The speed of growth and the abundance of colors are amazing.