
Sage (lat. Salvia officinalis)….natural antibiotic

The name of sage (lat. Salvia officinalis) in Latin Salvia originates from the word salvar, which means to save, cure, because the ancient Romans used it very much in the treatment of various diseases, and officinalis means healing. In the English word for sage sage, it signifies wisdom, and it was used to stimulate concentration, to increase memory, and it is considered to be long-lasting and long-lasting.The leaf contains 1-2.5% essential oil whose main ingredients are tujon, cineol and camphor.

Medicinal sage ingredients act antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, superficially collect tissue and reduce sweating. In the form of aqueous extract and tinctures, the sage leaf is applied to the exterior and lining of the mucous membranes of inflammation of the mouth and throat. Sage tea is consumed with digestive disorders and increased sweating.

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Sage leaves have been used to clean teeth and gums, and today sage extract is often added to toothpaste. It is also used as a spice in cooking. It also affects the processes of digestion and the secretion of the bile. It is used to reduce the salivation of saliva in Parkinson’s disease.


What do you think?

Written by Branka Drobnjak


  1. ,Great post, I often collect leaves of sage in my garden to go with other herbs for soups. Its great for sore throats and I use with whatever herbs I have. Rosemary, thyme, sage, onion, garlic. Celery if I have it. The soup is great. Sorry I put a little salt in it.