<a href="http://clipground.com/psychotherapy-clipart.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
During the past decade therapists have been successful sued. They have been successfully sued for creating false memories. Sued because these false memories have caused the destruction of people’s lives.
It is not a simple slip. It is the creation of an entire realm of fantasy by the therapist which is jammed into the mind of the patient, and the patient not merely believes but acts upon. Acts upon as if it is true.
Today, there are many tragic tales of ‘sudden adult memories of childhood abuse’ which are unsubstantiated, and after honest investigation, often prove false.
After one hundred years of slavishly believing every word dressed in psycho-babble, the public is slowly becoming aware that Psycho-Therapists must be carefully scrutinised by the wider community and some form of blockage must be used to prevent a person from believing and acting upon eventswhich might not have happened