This morning, going to work, I met this Divine Beauty on my way. I hope the pictures are quality. Made with the camera on the phone. Now information about this flower
The Flower Queen of the Night is the dream of every gardener. Besides having a rare exotic beauty, it impresses with unique colors. See how you can raise a queen of the night at home.
What do you need to know about Queen of the Night?
Queen of the Night is a beautiful flower of the Cactus family, but not a typical representative because it does not have the sharp spines of the classic cacti. Its Latin name is Salenicereus – named after the ancient Greek goddess of the moon, so sometimes you can also see it as the Lunar cactus. The reason for this nickname is that the flower blooms at night, and at sunrise collects its colors.
The flowers themselves are extremely beautiful, with a diameter of up to 30 cm. Queen of the night blooms in white, creamy or yellow in June and July. Her aroma is associated with that of vanilla. After flowering the flower gives fruit, but in most species, as with the most popular of them (Selenicereus grandilorus) they are not edible.
The Queen of the Night comes from subtropical and tropical regions. Meet the Galápagos Islands, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, and Jamaica.
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They are looks so beautiful indeed!