It’s lovely to go to the beach and especially a surf beach like Piha.
We went to the North of Piha and I walked up a sand dune to view the beach but near the car park was a movement in the trees.
Which lead to the Tui. They sing beautifully and are quite strong willed birds. This Tui was interested in getting nectar from these native flowers, sorry but I don’t know what this tree is. The Tui is native to New Zealand. It is a very special bird.
Beautiful bird. In your country, all birds are something special
I really is a very special bird,dear friend … lives only on NZ?
You’ve lots of interesting birds there …
nice capture!
Thanks so much for sharing this. I enjoyed it.
A very cute bird with its tuft of white on his neck or upper chest (unless it is a tree leaf that I see?). Of course we do not have these here in Canada… too bad for us but good for you. But at least you have inherited some of our famous or infamous Canadian geese…