

New strain of coronavirus in Nigeria?

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It appears that a possible strain of the coronavirus has spread to Nigeria.  The name of the virus is the Lassa virus.  The difference is that the coronavirus causes pneumonia while the Lassa virus causes the Lassa fever, which has ravaged the West African country.

This fever has continued to spread throughout Nigeria during the month of January.  As of today, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has stated that there are 258 confirmed cases with 41 deaths across 19 states in Nigeria.  The spreading of this virus is put into better terms when realized that there are 36 states that form Nigeria.  Basically, half of the country could be infected.  

Possibly, this virus could spread to other countries as many Nigerians travel to countries throughout the world, such as the USA and the UK.


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Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.


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