My first introduction to science was “Nature study”, our teacher took us outside as a class and took us to look at something that was not manicured in the school grounds and showed us some plants that were there, named them.
What is “Nature”? It is natural and covers a wide range of mother earth for plant to animals to birds or humans. Natural to our earth so here is a range
The first is a view from Onehunga beach looking on to Onehunga wharf on to a boat that is so rusty that it is a part of the whole scene.
I cant sum up and put together everything but here are a few images of nature
Nature is living.
#1 White Eye outside the window.
#2 Monarch Butterly
Newly hatched this morning, it's wings are still soft so I am waiting for its wings to harden so it can survive outside
Thanks so much Fortune, glad you like the white eye
Thanks so much for your kind comment Deepizzaguy
Thanks Carol, glad you like it