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My Butterfly Collection

Butterflies are such pretty creatures. They seem to have something magical about them that attracts people to them. I love to watch butterflies flitting around in my garden. It is always a treat to watch them fly around and feed on the nectar of the flowers you grow.

I have over the years got a collection of butterfly pictures. However I am sad to say that the varieties I see now is far lesser than what I have seen as a child. As we destroy nature to build more building we destroy the ecosystem too and the loss is ours. We lose a huge number of the flora and fauna year after year with our indiscriminate acquisition of land for buildings.

I am happy to present to you the lovely butterflies I have seen and continue to see around me.

These are rather uncommon ones. These are in the wild where nature has been untouched. I waited for a long time to see it spread its beautiful wings but I didn't get the chance to see it. 


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14 Points

Written by Dawn


    • RasmaSandra so true, they are so quick , sometime they refuse to sit still and flit away before you can react, I experience it all the time.

    • Lacho59 most of the time I use my DSLR, sometimes its a point and shoot camera, rarely it is my phone. I just grab what I have to get the pictures.