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Mother Earth

17th-century philosopher (though better known as a politician at the time), Frances Bacon, said about the earth that no, it is not our mother, and nothing is sacred in it, and it can be penetrated without permission and must be conquered. The quote is inaccurate because I am lazy in searching for it.

But precisely because of penetration without scruples into its depths,  Bacon and his ideology are still often the starting point for feminist criticism.

From the pagan relationship with Mother Earth to the modern, materialistic, scientific. Where the Earth is just the earth, mud, clump.

Where everything becomes a means to a goal, but not the goal itself. Where harmony is replaced by profit. Until we approach self-destruction.

It is not me who destroy nature. Nature will always be. Nature will get rid of all who penetrate its depths without scruples.

I remembered this video with Julia Roberts’ voice reading Naomi Klein’s “This Changes Everything”. It should be a must-read book for everyone, especially politicians.

© Fortune, 2019


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