I was trying to make this orange for the challenge, but it did not turn out so just enjoy this colored spooky sunset. below I will show the original before I put the Lunapic effect on it it. The effect is called Beauty!
This is the picture of the spooky sunset before I put a Lunapic photo editing effect on it. I think it looks very cool. What do you all think of my photo editing on this spooky sunset picture?
Enjoy your Sunday! This is an example of enjoying the little things, right Carol? Taking pictures is all about enjoying what you like the best.

Nature is a wonder spooky or not agreed?
Image Credit
With Lunapic Photo Editing
This invention is wonderful. It has nothing to do with the ghostly original of the photo.
Lacho59 I took the original spooky photo and put a Lunapic effect or it.
You are hanging out with Ledante too much. Spooky trees are scary!
Yes Doc spooky trees are scary, just made a way to make spooky trees cooler lol.
I suspect you’ve joined Alex’s evil plot to spread evil trees all over virily.
🙂 I am watching both of you!
lol I do not call mine evil just interestingly cool looking.
you have fallen under the Ledante spell. Look away – look away!!!!
In fact very good edit this one
Thank you Witty Feeds for the compliment.
the source is spooky, the edit is Seussy…
lol just put a little fun in the spooky.
seriously, it looks like Dr. Seuss went digital
Yes I agree with you Carol about the second one looking spooky. I think the edit turned out cool looking. Thank you!
The edited version looks like finger painting. The original is spooky.