
Exploring the Yard

After driving through parts of Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota, we finally made it to my boyhood home in Wisconsin. When I was a youngster, I spent a far amount of time mowing my parents’ yard. However, over time, a variety of mosses and lichens have taken over parts of the yard. In my opinion, this is wonderful. For one, it cuts down on the mowing. Two, it’s far more interesting to explore and photograph. While the moss may look spiky in the macro photos, it is usually soft and squishy.

Northern Wisconsin has received a lot of rain this summer, so perhaps that is why some of these plants have spread. It’ll be interesting to see what the yard looks like next summer.


What do you think?

Written by Chris B.

Energy Dependence Day - Two countries, different in almost every way, yet bound by the common thread of oil. #author #book #ebooks #thriller