
The most dangerous tree in the world! Never get close to it!

Do not touch it, do not shelter the rain under this tree, because the sap that is leaking is toxic and causes burns. And especially you do not eat the fruits, which resembles some apples! Burn and neck burns are guaranteed. Pain can last between six and 12 hours, even more.He is called the “tree of death” and is one of the most toxic trees on earth. Present in equatorial regions, from southern Florida to northern South America, is an extremely dangerous shrub / tree, whose fruits are called “the creepers of death.” They may seem appetizing. Same, indeed, with some small, green apples, they have a sweet smell. But they can cause hours of terrible suffering and even death, even after a bite.

Because of its toxicity, it is one of the most famous trees in the tropical rainforest, but one of the most destroyed. All parts of the plant are extremely corrosive: sap, flowers, fruits, and even the wood powder resulting from the cutting of the trunk.


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Written by Carina Vali


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