When I took this image, I did not know that the lake was an artificial one but I soon realized it. The lake is inside a Japanese park, a part of the garden which is spread over almost 10 hectare.
The garden has different sections including animals like Kangaroo, Deer, monkeys etc and Flowers. The park has a large number of different trees and the one you see here is one of my most favorite ones.
I absolutely love the birds walking and flying around and not afraid even if you go close to them. I would love to post from this park in coming days. Thank you all.
Thanks, yes the Nature is so amazing that you cannot but praise.
I have posted another full view image of this lake here in this site but I am not sure giving link of that page is allowed!
Waiting for the pictures of the birds and animals.
I have started with the snakes, but you did not like them! Wait, I will find something else that will make you interested.
I also thought it is a natural body of water. It’s a very beautiful lake.
I have previously posted a photo in this site which displays the entire lake giving you a real idea of this lake. Thank you so much.
Thanks a lot, yes this Japanese lake is made with the help of Japanese artists of this field.
Wow I hope to see more of this par.
I will definitely post few more from this park, thank you!
What a fabulous park. That is one nice pond, all man made. How wonderful.
That is better than the photo I have uploaded here!
Awe no worries, it makes you want to see more!! I would love to see more of this man made paradise.