There is a difference in pictures today, versus those taken 20 or 30 years ago. Years ago, you had 24 pictures of 36 pictures. You know every single shot you took. Now you have infinite, so, like today, I can identify one of the pictures. The other two, I have no clue. I choose these at random (random folder the number generator gave me 33. When I opened 33, I picture 27, 37, and 88. Those were the three numbers the random number genitor gave me.). I would love to tell you what the pictures are of, but well, I can’t. The reality of the pictures we have is they do, however, tell a story. So without further adieu the story of these three pictures as well, I imagined them!
Was it the Hawaiian shirts, that combined made the green field in the blender? Or some combination of shirts and leftover salad mix from the refrigerator that combined created the greenness? Perhaps the wearers are blending the shirts and then just leaving it to sit on the counter. No one would touch the drink as it sat there. Perhaps, it was something no one wanted or perhaps and more likely those in the Hawaiian shirts not yet awake, had left for the night before. We want a green drink, they said, entering the kitchen. Taking the loud Hawaiian shirts and sticking them into the blender and adding liquid. You always have to add liquid when blending the liquid, perhaps an orange liquid or potentially something else.
Realizing the green drink created could not be consumed without mandatory backing and adding the shredded pictures of the moments captured in Hawaiian shirts, to a mix of eggs and flour and then pouring that into a glass dish to bake in the oven. Sampling their creation, well not the drink, that remained untouched forever, No sampling the mix of flour and ground pictures — smacking their lips, producing it the best picture casserole every made. Perhaps though in fairness, the only picture casserole ever made. Today, they shout, we will drink the green drink, eat the picture casserole, and upon the world, we shall rise. Or, better, we will sleep late and pour the mess down the drain.
No frogs were injured in the creation of the green sludge.
They seem to be having a lot of fun!
they had a blast making the pictures
It’s nice u travel in cruise ship
we had fun, it was in honor of my father!
It’s nice u travel in ship
they are interesting when you travel in them