
Some People Will Never be Happy

Some people will never be happy. I know that it is true, because at one point I was that person. There was nothing good enough. I would find every flaw that I could. I would pick a sore until it bled. There were times that I thought I was being helpful. I tried to make things better and it never really worked.

I remember laughing when someone mentioned that they felt abused. I don’t know how many people have lived through rape, physical abuse, mental abuse and survived. It is something that no one is suppose to talk about and everyone is suppose to get over.

I don’t know if silence is helpful for recovery and I am sure it is best for some. It useless to try and “make someone happy”. When we learn love people simply for the good that is in them and accept them as they are. If this means we must walk away, perhaps we must.

I have someone in my life who often says, stop trying to fix the world and just laugh and love. He may be right.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I know someone that is never happy, and it effects the whole family, but I am trying to focus on myself. This person is full of drama and negativity.

  2. There are good and bad ways of trying to “make someone happy”, and happiness cannot always be translated as making someone laugh.

    Somebody in despair rarely wants to be completely alone, but the company they seek can often be “silent”. In my youth I used to be a Samaritans volunteer, answering phone calls from people who were at rock bottom and considering suicide. These calls would often be “silent” on their part – sometimes for an hour or more before they felt ready to say something.

    The best thing you can do to help someone in despair is to be there – either in person or on the phone. You don’t need to do much – just be a reassuring presence.
