Garfield Park Gold Dome Field House

I took this picture of the lagoon during my last run at Humboldt Park. Out of the other pictures I took, I loved this one the most.

As of late, I am finding it hard to get away from sharing pictures like this on my Yelp page.

2nd picture

Taken during my weekend get away to Dallas Texas. Even though I did not stay in Dallas for that long, this picture makes me want to return as the days go by because it was one of the significant things I saw during my trip. It is known as ‘The Bubble’.
#pictures #ThomasGouard #virily #blogger #Writer #photos #dallas #Chicago #run #cta #google
You are a great photographer. I liked them all
Thank you very much Grace.
Very nice photos, especially the last one.
The Bubble. Every time I look at it it makes me miss Dallas
Humboldt Park by Thomas G.:
The Bubble by Thomas G.: