
Not The Usual Story – 7

My life went through a great change.

It was not that Bryan had moved in, it was because he would be gone on weekends.

When I lived alone, Saturday night was no different from Thursday night. I didn’t ‘treat’ myself, I didn’t have real ‘rituals’,  I went day to day, without deviation.

When Bryan moved in I had assumed he and I would spend the week ends together. This was my mistake for Bryan had a life.

Expecting him to stay home on the weekend  gave me one horrible, lonely dragging two days so that I prayed for Monday. To avoid that abomination, I would set myself weekend outings, so that I would leave the house Friday night to return Sunday night, just as Bryan did.

Interestingly, I found these week end jaunts rather interesting and exciting, and I wondered why that for all the years I lived alone I never thought of treating myself to these kinds of trips and ventures.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar