
Love ItLove It

My Research Begins

So as I planned I am beginning my search to understand why procrastination happens and how I can make changes that will make me set proper goals and stop procrastinating. I like to start with a good definition. I do not believe you can solve a problem that you cannot identify.

“the action of delaying or postponing something”

And now some synonyms “dithering · delaying tactics · dilatoriness · stalling · temporizing · hesitation · vacillation · humming and hawing · dilly-dallying · shilly-shallying · kicking the can down the road”

Well, now it is named and how on earth am I going to approach eliminating or at least make it happen less in my little world.  I think I tend to procrastinate the things I don’t truly enjoy doing even if I know they are important. Perhaps I need to break it down to  a matter of one thing at a time and set some time limits. 

The spice rack seems to be the thing that everyone is concerned about right now. So I guess that is a good place to start. So I am going to gather my tools and then set a timer for 20 minutes and see where I am at… Yes I need encouragement and feedback on my procrastination journey.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter