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My photo series for 31-01-2020

Today, my series of photos will be related to the ducks we met at the Rhine Sofia Park in Guardamar Spain. This park is not very far from the city where I live. This allows me to travel there more often. And to watch the changes in the park’s inhabitants.

Now I’m going to give you some interesting facts about ducks that you may not know.

– Most duck species are monogamous for breeding season, but often do not marry. Instead, they will make new friends each year, choosing the healthiest, strongest, and best partner who can help them pass on their genes to a new generation of ducklings.

-The Duck Act is specialized to help it invade mud and get its food out of the water. A solid nail at the top of the bill helps with the feeding, and the lamellae – similar to the comb structure on the sides of the bill – cross small insects and crustaceans from the water.

-Most male ducks are silent and very few ducks are actually “towels”. Instead, their calls may include screaming, tingling, squealing, screaming, whistling, hands and growls. Women can also make a wide range of different noises and they are usually more vocal than men.

– Because of their familiarity and comic nature, ducks often present themselves as fictional characters. The two most famous fictional ducks are Donald Duck of Disney, who passed in 1934, and Warner Bros. Duffy Duck, who premiered in 1937. Ducks are also spokespersons for companies or involved in advertising campaigns, and some ducks even mascots for schools, businesses or sports teams.

The data is from https://en.insterne.com/

2020-Elenka Smilenova All Rights Reserved ©


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Written by lacho59


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