
Love ItLove It

My Aunt Sent Me a Letter and Gave Me a Call!

I  have been sharing a lot on social media to try and bring others to the site. (The views have been down and that has been my major goal.) I had no idea that my aunt had anything to do with social media. She found some tweets that sent her back to Virily. They didn’t send her to my posts but she began reading many and recognized my situation. She uses lots of pictures with the things she does and she used this one from a site that I use as well.  I think if you read the entire post you will learn something wonderful about my aunt and perhaps understand why this picture was perfect. This was what she shared.

Hey You ~

Have you totally forgotten who you are?  You are kind, loving and most of all grateful. You wrote a whole book about learning good things even from those who seek to destroy you. You are a daughter of God. You had parents that raised you to stand up do the right thing, no matter the consequences. You were raised to admit when you are wrong and fix what you can and move on to do greater things. You have the biggest heart on the planet.  Have you forgotten all the students that come to your home every year? Have you forgotten when you were in the river saving a house that belonged to someone else, while yours was destroyed?  The picture of the bear is me yelling as loud as I can and with as emotion as I can muster. “You are amazing and don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

Just in case you need a little more inspiration, so you understand where all this is coming from I want you to listen to this song every single time you feel like you need strength to fight for things that are right.  You are important. You are amazing. You are on this earth to make a positive difference.

Be true to yourself and remember who you are. 

You are loved. You are beautiful. And I am proud of you.

Love you,

Aunt Kama


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


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