Semi-precious and precious stones have healing power, affecting the mood of consciousness. Because of their wide application, many people carry them with them. The most practical way to carry the stone alongside the body is its use in making necklaces, medallions, and other pieces of jewelry.
A brilliant, opaque, yellow, green, purple crystal, often strung, in various overlapping shades. Strong, healing stone. Disorder leads to order, increases mental abilities and concentration. It promotes spiritual and psychological integrity and development, truth, protection and peace. It helps in solving psychic blockages, it enhances the consciousness. It has a great effect on bone and muscle health. It is good for cleansing the aura and stimulating a healthy love for yourself.
Mountain crystal is one of the most sacred stones, if not the most sacred of all. It is suitable as a stoning stone for all medicinal stones and for its strong, yet at the same time gentle vibrations, penetrates to a large number of organs. Its special medicinal properties lie in preventive, purifying and medicinal activity on veins, blood vessels and coronary arteries. It is used to treat various diseases, and balances energy in the body. It works on eyes, cataracts, blood cells, bleeding, intestines, glands, fat tissue, heart, hormones, blood flow, lungs, lymphoma, leukemia, nervous system, digestion, vitality. It stimulates brain functions and enhances concentration. It removes negatives from the energy field in the environment and makes it unparalleled to protect the environment from harmful radiation. Removes emotional blockages, increases sensitivity, security.
A murmur of green stone with silver or golden dots, glossy glossy. By skinning healing of skin allergies, acne and sores. It alleviates hair loss, hair blossoming, dandruff and rash, and strengthens hair. Water from aventurine is good for eyelid comfort when overloading. In addition to baths, heals back pain. Combined with mountain crystal heals allergies. It relieves chronic inflammation of the colon and its associated punctuating pain or diarrhea. Probing disorders, gases and frequent clogging also softens and heals. Aventurine relieves psychosomatic disturbances and fears, especially those that emerge from the first seven years of life. It supports independence, joy, humor and serenity, and turns negative force into a positive attitude towards life. It is programmed for the growth of wealth and money. Helps to keep right friends in a true friendship.
Such brilliant colors.
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it
that flourit has all the colors it can have…
A very interesting topic, my friend
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it
Nice pictures! Nice post!
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it
They are such beautiful stones
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it
Beautiful pictures.Thank you for this story.
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it
Kasnis 7 meseci sa odgovorom..cccc..
Bila sam pocetnik,a juce mi Carol komentarisala,pa vidim da nikom nisam odgovorila…nikad nije kasno
hehe..salim se..i meni se ponekad desi da ne vidim komentar..