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–> 3 Kindess Quotes or Thoughts

My husband pointed out that some people can’t think of kind things to say. His solution was to find some kind quotes and people could use those. He is insisting that I keep track of the number of kind comments or quotes I leave behind. 

Of course, we are all about incentive. So the person who guesses the number of kind comments I leave on people posts for the next 24 hours – and comes the closest without going over wins $5.00 minus PayPal fees.  All guesses need to sent to me by Tuesday, April 7th and we will announce a winner on April 8th. Are we actually paying people to be kind? No, we are asking people to notice. If no one participates in guessing he gets the $5.00 for ice cream!

This is also an open list feel free to add.

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Written by Ghostwriter


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