I am sure that this story of the kind deed that Cahokia (Illinois) Police Officer Roger Gemoules used his authority to assist Ka’Shawn Baldwin to get him to a job interview at Fed Ex so Baldwin could find work as a package employee.
Under normal circumstances Officer Gemoules could have taken the auto that Baldwin was driving to be taken away by a tow truck since the auto that Baldwin was driving had expired license plates and his drivers license was suspended which made it illegal for Baldwin to drive in the first place.
However Officer Gemoules showed a heart of compassion to Baldwin when Ka’Shawn talked to the police officer that he borrowed a car to go to Fed Ex for a job interview.
In a twist of fate, Officer Gemoules who is normally working as a resource officer at Cakohia High School was on patrol on Wednesday when he met Baldwin who explained in a polite voice to the police officer that he really wanted to land the job at Fed Ex.
Officer Gemoules then decided to have Baldwin get inside his police cruiser to go to the Fed Ex building so Baldwin could land his interview with the management at Fed Ex to land his dream job with the packaging company.
Baldwin who is 22 years of age, is also employed at McDonald’s which showed Officer Gemoules that he is a young man who wants to make a good name for himself.
That is what the internet news sources say.
My pleasure to share the good news stories that the news media fail to report.
That is true since bad news gets top billing from the news media.
This is a great story and pleased to see this guy got a job
The officer did do his duty to assist someone in need of a job.
Officers have a huge responsibility, and it’s good to hear they don’t always let it go to their heads and stay humble, and humane. ?
Baldwin also reacted well by cooperating with police and telling the reason why he broke the law, evoking compassion.
That is the rule that former police officers who hosted television shows said. Never pick up a fight with an officer and they will understand your viewpoint and assist you.
You have a good point there since I am getting tired of the media showing those evil cops stories.
there are many folks who are struggling just to make ends meet. instead of blindly adhering to the letter of the law, Officer Gemoules decided to uphold his oath to serve and protect by helping a citizen instead of punishing them…
That is true since Baldwin was nice to the officer and not picking a fight with him in that situation.
had the officer just impounded the car, then ultimately he would’ve just been depriving a citizen of the chance to be a productive member of society
There are some officers who can relate to persons who need to find work and they give them the tools to make an attempt to succeed like taking them to job interviews instead of punishing them.
we really need more of the former and less of the latter…
Another great story you have brought to us.
My pleasure to bring some great stories on this site.
So many first responders get a bad rap. Some deserve it, but this shows the other side, that first responders help change the world!
Not every police officer is an angel. However the rotten apples are only a few of them.