
Here's a random thought..

Or some might consider it a hint. There are definitely those who consider the whole thing nonsense. I think it’s a whole lot of work and it will pay off for some lucky people who pay attention and like to have some fun. (No Pressure.)

Do you remember natalie?

I wonder if you might find some treasures if you checked out some of her posts? 

If you think outside of the box you may find the golden ticket. 

I think it is helping my attitude and getting me through a very rough time. There will also be some lucky people who worked hard enough to earn a reward.

I am going to take an hour and tally up where people have responded to comments. Those are a win, win, win way to h help the site. Keep the conversations rolling. Go deep. Share.

Since none of us has found a way to save the world, perhaps we could concentrate on saving the site. (Just a random idea.)


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


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    • Well, that is one way to win. Someone must create content for them to visit. People need to have conversations.

      Outside views are helpful for the site to make money. We would like to reap some financial rewards as well. That takes more than just sharing.

      • That is all true to the source too. It is a cycle that has to be completed. You can write but if you don’t have anything interesting to say or write about nobody is going to read your content so you are just stuck running on the treadmill and getting nowhere.

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