
Getting Legal Help after a Car Accident – What to do

Car accidents can be life-altering experiences. Regardless of whether it is an incident with barely a bruise or scrape or a major accident that involves vehicle, property and serious injuries, people rarely leave accidents without some type of a lasting impact that ranges from psychological and physical injures to vehicle damage. In many situations, the accident is actually the beginning of an extensive process of getting the closure you need to move on with life, determining fault and filing insurance claims.

Justice for Car Accident Victims

  • Dealing with the law and insurance companies to ensure that you get what you deserve from the incident can be challenging and intimidating. Victims often accept settlement amounts that are much lower than what they would get if they hired a lawyer or received a legal assessment.
  • Attorneys work for accident victims to make sure their clients get the justice and compensation they are owed. Insurance companies usually seek to reduce compensation. What may appear to have been a reasonable sum might end up not being enough to cover delayed damages or injuries that were not originally accounted for in the settlement amount, lost wages due to missing work or long-term medical expenses.
  • Legal experts have the ability to navigate the typically confusing insurance and legal process.

Handling a Car Accident 

The confusion that arises within the moments after an accident can make straight-forward processes unnecessarily difficult. Being involved in a car crash is a traumatic experience. Along with any vehicle damage or physical injuries incurred, accidents tend to leave people feeling emotionally vulnerable and unable to do things in the right way. Find car accident lawyers in Charlotte here.

Before taking the step to hire an attorney, it is important to ensure that aspects following the accident are dealt with correctly by the victim or trusted family members. It is vital to protect yourself from saying or doing anything that may prevent you from receiving the compensation you deserve. Some of the things you should do after an accident include the following:

  • For minor accidents, cars should be moved off the road to safety and hazard light need to be turned on. Use safety cones to mark the area off.
  • If there are complaints of pain or injuries, call an ambulance and the police to create a police report.
  • Gather all the required information about the drivers, including insurance details and take photographs of the scene. It is important to note that fault is usually determined by police and not by the people who are involved in the accident.

Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

  • Car accidents are not usually straight-forward scenarios. From determining whether a claim can be filed for additional damages to seeking compensation for damages like emotional anguish, a professional lawyer is well equipped to help individuals after an accident.
  • The negligent party or insurance company that you seek compensation from often strives to classify injuries as temporary in cases where permanent damage has occurred. Experienced car accident lawyers gather and organize evidence for the purpose of substantiating your claim and making you sure you get fair compensation.
  • Lawyers can also help you navigate the intricacies of personal injury and traffic law along with determining what you are entitled to.


What do you think?

Written by Jim Pullman

One Comment

  1. My sister just was in an accident. A pregnant women fainted or fell asleep and hit my sister from the back causing a 5 car pile up. The bad part is that she does not have any type of an insurance.