Lorraine came home from work to her sweet little house, and flicked on the television as she took a cup of left over breakfast coffee and plunked down.
A “new” show came on with a very striking actor. She hadn’t kept up with ‘Hollywood’ so assumed he was some famous someone, for the show she was watching was Five years old.
When she did a search of his name what came up were a number of fan sites and message boards, for the chap, Sean Pine, had very little filmography.
According to Wikipedia he had been in a soap then on this show, which he left after two seasons and then into oblivion.
Because he had so caught her focus, and she had nothing to do, she went on the message boards. She admitted she was new and they group welcomed her and began long conversations about Sean Pine, as if they knew him.
That was how she became involved in one of the silliest things she had ever done in her life.