
Three Common Mistakes to Avoid During Child Custody

These days the concept of getting a divorce has become very common. Latest study reports have suggested that majority of the couples already separated through divorce proceedings. When two people fall in love and get married after a long courtship, they hardly think of separation or divorce. But sometimes they find themselves in such a critical situation that they finally end up with separation. Are you one of them? If yes, then you know very well how tough it is to adjust or to go through the whole situation. Moreover, if you have a child, you need to seek a custody order.

The child custody order will allow you to keep your minor child with you. Getting the order from the court is not that easy as it sounds. It is more like a battle where both of the parents fight for the custody order. Without professional order, it is nearly impossible to get the custody. Taking the help of a reputed family lawyer in this regard would be the best decision.

When both the parents seek for the custody order, quite naturally, things become difficult for the judge to decide which parent is fit for the kid. To get the order, the parents often accuse each and other and try to prove that the other one is unfit as a parent. To get the order from the court, you need to prove that as a parent you are ideal and fit. You should take each and every step cautiously.

But according to the recent study, many good parents often end up as being considered as a neglectful parent. If you like to avoid such situation, you need to stay away from certain mistakes (discussed below) which usually parents make. In addition to this, do not forget to obey all the instructions given by your family law attorneys in Cape Town or your preferred locations.

  • Don’t Involve in Any Legal Litigation 

Do not commit any crime for which the police may arrest you. If you get arrested for any violent crime, you will never get the child custody. Getting arrested means you are giving the other parent a scope to get the order. So, during this period, you need to stay cautious so that you will not find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

  • Disobeying the Custody Orders

The court will issue temporary custody orders which you need to obey properly. In case, you violate any of the mentioned order during the trial period, the custody of the child will go against you. The court may give you a certain date in which you have to return the child. But if you do not obey the rule, you will not get the order.

  • Refusing to Co-Operate and Communicate with Other Parent 

This is indeed the most common mistakes which usually parents make. Often parents stop communicating and co-operating with each other during the child custody battle. If this happens that the judge will consider the co-parent as an ideal option and will hand over the child by giving him or her custody order.

The ultimate objective of discussing all these mistakes is to make you conscious so that you will not run the same mistakes during the custody period. For further information, take an appointment with a reliable family attorney.


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Written by Tom Clark