That tingling feeling I get in my face once my Amino Energy drink kicks in. I take it as an indicator that it is time to start the workout.
I was very open to going any direction this morning due to there not being many motorist out on holiday mornings. Any route but the normal route I ride downtown. California Ave was my decision maker because it can take me either north or south, and it is one of the safer roads on the west-side of Chicago being that it is flat and has an actual bike lane.
I ended up going south towards Little Village, but once I hit Ogden Ave I decided to head down towards Cicero Illinois which I plan to hit in the near future. Didn’t take many pictures but best believe I will have some the more I ride this route.
Landmarks featured along my route were Wallace’s Catfish; Douglas Park, and Lawndale Christian Fitness Center. I made Pulaski my turnaround point, but in the future I would like to go further down Ogden Ave hitting Cicero, or I can just turn at Pulaski and hit beautiful Little Village.

#chicago #cycling #lawndale #cicero #ride #westside #virily #blogger #holiday #independenceday #aminoenergy #health #fitness #littlevillage #strava
man you are amazing! that looks like a fun ride.
how much traffic on 290? I cannot tell you how many days of my life are invested in slowly creeping down 290 from the burbs!
The streets were very dead, but best believe they livened up later in the evening for 4th of July.
lots, i hope of masks on people.
I didn’t really go outside to watch, but I imagine that not many wore them. There is just too much evil going on, so I passed on going outside to watch any of the fireworks.
i cannot tell you how sad it makes me with the recent revival of the Guy Fawkes tradition in the US.
Fireworks are for the sky, for beauty to celebrate.
Not to be thrown into buildings.
Thrown from a building seems like a hazard waiting to happen unless those doing it our mature and know what they are doing.
i find that my impression of Miriam Bowser (Mayor of DC) has gone through the roof with this current situation.
I am so impressed with her leadership. She is a future star rising!!!
I’ll have to look DC Mayor up. I hear very little about the mayor there; mostly backlash about covid, and that BLM painting on the streets, lol. Mostly backlash from Trump.
I see more from Atlanta Mayor, New York Governor, and our Mayor in Chicago more than our Governor of Illinois
the mayor of Atlanta is another rising star!
Stay safe out there and well hydrated.