All married people argue, it is said. Tessa accepted that and her conflicts with Patrick were considered normal.
Yes, he was somewhat possessive, yes he was somewhat dominating, but he was a man and she was a woman. No biggie.
They were attending University, and she was planning to go on to Law School. She kept her grades up, and felt positive.
Patrick was into Science and hovering between the various disciplines.
They had married in their second year and lived in his mother’s house, and it was like childhood with benefits, for his mom really liked her.
They rose to a breakfast she prepared, went off to school, came home to dinner. They did their work, she spending more time studying than he did.
She realised he was annoyed by her extensive study, and she, reading him said, “Look Pat, I’m not as sharp as you who can read something and own it. My brain isn’t as fast…”
This is how she got ‘permission’ to study instead of watch a show with him.
At night they often had sex, she was using contraceptives, and sometimes he did as well. The plan was to wait until graduation to have a baby, but Tessa’s idea of law school would delay that.
At first it wasn’t on Patrick’s mind, until they graduated and she was accepted at Law School. For her it was a true dream. For him, it was another scraping annoyance.
It was during an argument concerning baby production which moved from quiet discussion to anger, and then he said to her, “How does you becoming a lawyer benefit me?”
It was that sentence which shoved all of the flowers out of the way and exposed the grave of her soul.
She pulled back and looked at him. She didn’t answer. There was no need to respond. He saw the world as his choices and she was to conform, because she was not a person, she was an appendage, like a foot or a hand which has no opinion.
Tessa left the house the next day, went back to her parents.
In September she went to Law School.