Today was trash day so I made sure the trash cans were out on the street and then I took my oldest son to school because my youngest was sick again. He can go tomorrow though which I am really happy about because I am going to try and get him some books from his school library. I am now sitting here trying to finish my book and rewatch the game of thrones season 7 episode 7 because that is one of my favorite episodes.
I will not miss Lord Balish at all so good bye, sir. I am so over his lies and trying to get one over on lady Sansa. I love Brandon Stark though because he knows everything and you can’t get one over on him and when his sight gets better I have to say I think people are in trouble. I can’t believe that Season 8 is the last season I am going to cry and it hasn’t even started yet.
Anyways today was a good day. I went to the store and bought groceries and then I ordered my hubby a new game for his Nintendo ds. I am going to get me a new one later because I need some black gel pens for my writing. I am getting like three sets from China and one set from here in the states lol. I am very happy because one set is a set of cats, another set are sets of feathers, and my other set is from Wish app and they are colored pens nothing special with those. I will take pics when I get them and show you all. I am going to be so happy when they get here but that is what I did for my Tell all Thursday.
Yes Bro Really Great Once.
Better take care of your youngest one; his illness must be rectified first!
Yes, I do the Doctor tells me that he is healthy and everything but when he gets sick around this time of the year I just make sure he doesn’t have an ear infection or something. My boys are always my priority and my husband because he gets a high enough fever he will have to go to E.R as well. Basically, none of them can really get too sick because I will be on my way to Urgent Care. Sometimes they make me mad cause they will say that there is nothing they can do when I know they can for ear infections and stuff.
Crisp daily notes to share! Nice!
Yes, I thought that this would be a great idea for this page because I write a lot of other topics in many other places so I was up one night trying to figure out what I wanted to put here and you know how I thought about it? I remember that Woman crush Wednesday and man crush Monday stuff, so I ended up coming up with “tell-all”. I was like well, let me do at”tell-all” for my page so that everyone can see how all my days have been.
I will add a date or the month soon so that it won’t be all confused with all of my other ones, but I know that the date is actually posted on the article so it should be no confusion, but next month I will add October to the title of one of them and then from there just keep writing my tell-alls for the rest of the month haha. I may not be able to do it every day, so I am going to make sure that I add a date or something so no one will be too confused. I am about to my tell-it-like-it-is Friday. haha. I am trying to name them all different too. so once I come up with the titles I will be good.. it will be like Tell you Monday, Tell it Tuesday, Tell it all Wednesday, Tell it Thursday, Tell it like it is Friday, Talk it out Saturday, and Spiritual Sunday which will be the same like all the other weeks but it will have a verse or two from the bible written in with some advice. I am going to try and add advice to all my weekdays and weekend writings.
Thanks for reading and support.
Spiritual talk Sunday is what it will be called. Sometimes I may switch them up a little like add a few words or take away some lol.
As long as the idea is interesting, write it down and publish it, my friend. But, also make sure that our friends visit your posts.
Spiritual talk Sunday? I will wait, that context is my passion.