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Yes! Everyone, I am taking a break from my quiz section for now. You wonder why? Well! I was just thinking to myself this morning, “if I am to be a Virily ambassador, what will my short story about Virily be so far?”

This question was what was tugging my head. At first, I gave the excuse about the fact that I have not spent a week here, but something inside of me rebuked me and reminded me of the fact that, if not anything so far, my stay here in Virily have made me meet with amazing and down to earth honest people.

My first post here, You Think You Know: Nigeria? immediately got the attention of many people most of who also ended up playing the quiz. I have come to meet interesting and fun loving people here who are honest with their comments.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

So for me, in one sentence summary of my Virily story so far is; the wonderful people here just made me settled in quickly and I’ve made here an online home already.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

The ball is in your court now, a sentence summary of your Virily story will do in the comment section bellow. Maybe not a simple sentence, it could be complex or compound sentence summarise of your Virily story so far. This I think will help Newbies, which I was some few days back, to feel comfortable and easily settle in here, making Virily more robust in themes of numerical strength and having fully active and functional members.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

We await your story below. And thanks for stopping by, for you might have had more than “a hundred and one” reasons not to do what you are about to do, by complying with the directive in this post. ☺??


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Adejoh


  1. I have been here for two weeks, and I like it because this site give me the opportunity to write what I want, and put pictures and videos. I do have a few blogs but they are for my teaching English and Hebrew. Here I can be more free and creative!

  2. My First Post here , What is Kundilini Yoga met with success , thus motivated me to fulfill my passion for writing. Every writer needs some admiration , isn’t it? I like your post , well written , Adejoh , my friend from Nigeria!

    • Exactly my point Ali Shehzad, we all need these motivations sometime to even do what we love doing, like writing.
      Thanks for stopping by Sir! I always feel motivated anytime I get feedbacks like this. ?