For Mimmi For All I Have Learned from You
I learned that summer How to laugh more freely
And love more easily.
I learned that summer
To look inwardly
Because things are not
Always what they seem.
I learned that summer
The power of prayer
You taught it to me
The way you got through
Life Despite all the pain.
I Learned that summer
That miracles are real
The fact that you are still
Here is a miracle
That’s for sure.
I learned that summer
The power of faith
I know it carried you through
And I thank God for you.
The sister of my heart
You couldn’t have been a better sister
If the same blood lines
Flowed through our veins.
I learned that summer
What it was like to have
A sister
Like you.
Copyright Michelle R Kidwell
Aug. 08.06
12: 05 A.M PST
Sadly Mimmi passed away on February. 09.2007.
But she lives on through all the lives she touched!
Sorry for your loss.
I loved this!
Thank you so much!