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I’m A Great Aunt

Amber had a little girl born on Monday, weighing 6 Pounds and three ounces and was almost nineteen inches long.  She was born with some medical issues, like her Mother and her Uncle she has DiGeorge Syndrome which essentially means a small segment of her 22 Chromosome is missing.  Amber was born with heart issues due to this, but with Little Paisley it presented differently!  I’m not going to get into all of that though.

Paisley is proving to be a fighter just like her Mother was/Is!  Amber was in labor three and a half days, and finally Paisley was born via C-Section, she has had one surgery and will need a couple of more in time.

We spent more more time in San Francisco and I see why they consider it the most expensive city in the U.S.A and the homeless situation is just sad.
I am sorry for my long absence but as you can see life has gotten a little bit busy, and my Sis from Washington goes home next week so spending time with her as well!

Little Miss is doing well and can’t wait until she can hold Baby Paisley!


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