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How to Introduce Meditation to Your Kids

All children are idle, there is no denying that. They are curious little things that don’t quite understand the sense of right and wrong or dangerous versus safe. That is where the parents or guardians of the child come into play but sometimes that isn’t quite enough. There are times when a kid’s energy levels are through the roof and they don’t have the greatest grasp on calming down to focus on a certain task – for example, homework or chores.

That is why some parents are turning to meditation for their kids and teaching them from a young age the benefits of meditation routines. While they obviously cannot handle the intense routines that an adult would do or be able to sit in place for a long period of time – they still can learn and benefit from meditation in their life. It’s a matter of knowing what to teach them and how to incorporate it into their daily routine.

Intrigued yet? Then keep reading to find out more about introducing meditation to your kids.

Kid-Friendly Routines

One of the easiest routines found in the practice of meditation is to focus on breathing. This involves allowing for deep inhales through the nostrils, feeling your lungs expand, and exhaling through the mouth. This breathing exercise is one of the easiest and most effective meditation routines there is.

This routine is a good starting point for your kids as it can be taught in two simple steps: deep inhale, hold, and exhale. Ask them to repeat these five to ten times, relaxing the muscles of their body as they do.

Remember – the key to meditation is to start slow and work your way up to a long, intensive routine. Kids aren’t going to have the attention span that adult does for this; so, allowances should be made. Start slow with your kids and ask them to join you in meditation for only one or two minutes at a time. This will be enough to whet their interest but not too long, so they are bored with it.

To get kid-specific meditation routines that last longer than one or two minutes; simply conduct a quick web search!

How to Use Meditation

You can use your kid-friendly meditation routines in the morning before school to relax and calm them before they get on the school bus. This method will increase their focus throughout the school day and allow for their energy levels to be depleted in a healthy manner before reaching their school.

Meditation after supper and playtime is also a good way to use the routines as it allows them to unwind and relax before bed. If your children are relaxed before bed; they are going to sleep more soundly and not wake up throughout the night. This solid sleep each night will then mean they are more alert for school the next day and their memory is improved. Report card time is when the parent will really discover the benefits of meditation before bedtime!

Some parents will also use meditation routines as punishment instead of taking away something from their child. How is this possible if you don’t want a negative aspect attached to meditation? By asking them to sit in their timeout or dim room and concentrate on why you are upset for the one or two minutes. Ask them to inhale deeply why asking themselves what they have done wrong and exhale when they have the answer. Allow them this time to think about their choices and how they can change them the next time.

Setting the Mood

Whether you decide to use meditation as a helpful tool or a punishment technique, once the routine is down pat; you still need to set the mood for meditation, even for your kids.

Show them how to dim the lights to a comfortable level, where they are not in the stark darkness but instead it’s a comforting glow. Show them how a quiet room can be helpful in their meditation routine and be sure to remove all distractions from the area. Don’t allow them a tablet or television but instead teach them to focus on a mantra, object, or even their favorite toy that sparks joy.

Use an essential oil diffuser to saturate the room with a relaxing scent, such as lavender, to set the mood even further. If you want to know what the best ultrasonic essential oil diffusers on the market are; then head over the Better Mind Body Soul to find out!


We all know the benefits of meditation in terms of reducing stress and anxiety, calming the body and mind to the point it can easily focus on one task. It helps us get through the workday, it helps us get over the workday and it helps keep our state of mind or mental health – healthy, for a lack of another word. So why not teach these benefits to our children?

Kids can experience stress, they can experience anxiety; they just don’t have the tools to handle or feel with it in a productive way unless we, as adults, teach them. Make it a fun bonding activity or use it in place of a punishment like mentioned above. Not only will you give them the tools to use throughout their life to focus; you are showing them that you aren’t the bad guy, you just want what’s best for them. 


What do you think?

Written by Virily Editor


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  1. This is an excellent post. I do believe children can be taught the value of meditation and how to meditate. If I’m not mistaken I think the Shaolin Buddhist monks already proved this. They have children in their monasteries trained from a very early age.

  2. Thanks for sharing this tips! I think it’s good to teach kids meditation as well, though we shouldn’t set high expectation especially for young kids. When parents have the meditation habit, kids will see and follow as well. I do meditate, though have not built up the habits to meditate daily yet, my kids always follow and meditate together with me when they see me meditating. I like to have the family meditation session before bedtime too, even though it’s just 5 minute.

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