
Giving Thanks

When I was young, I befriended an unpopular girl called Nera.   No one liked her.  The reason I befriended her was that her mother asked me to introduce her to my friends.

At the time I had a crew of friends.  In fact, where we lived, I don’t think there was one kid who wasn’t my friend.

I took Nera with me, and a few days later, when the crew was planning to go to a movie I said something about inviting Nera.   And they told me to drop her because she had said some evil things about me.

I was upset and went home and my mother, who was pretty alert, asked what was wrong and I told her.

She took a bottle of Iodine and said;

“See this skull and crossbones?  This is put on the label to warn people that this is poison.  That is the same reason why some people are born ugly.  To warn you.”

As I grew up, and had all the wonderful things in life,   I have to stop, and give thanks.

I have to look at  people who have miserable lives, not due to poverty or handicap or some terrible disease but because they are ugly.   They are ugly inside and out.   It isn’t their face, it is their soul.

Like Nera,  they have no friends because they are ugly.   They have horrible personalities, and are the kind of people who  have a skull and crossbones stamped on their souls.

If you even try, as I tried with Nera, to bring her into the land of sunshine, it doesn’t work.

I look at my life and give thanks.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar