
Being Invisible – Part II

Looking at Shirl today, you can pretty much deduce she was a spoiled brat whose parents had money and who bought her friends.

It was obvious that she never was attractive, so developed that resentment ugly women have for the pretty.

An attractive person doesn’t have to do anything.

A pretty woman walks into a room and people turn and look and smile, and she can gift a smile,  A pretty woman expects to be taken to dinner, to shows, and that her presence is sufficient.

An ugly woman like Shirl has to do a great deal to attract attention. She walks into a room and people turn away. If she smiles, no one sees it. An ugly woman has to pay for someone to have dinner with her, pay her way into a show, and do everything possible to buy attention.

As an ugly woman whose parents had money Shirl was able to buy her friends, her husband… eventually the money ran out.

She was fortunate that people who knew her family when they were rich and felt sorry for her, gave her a job as a pretend manager of their property along with a free room.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar