
From My Bookshelf: Evolution and Nature’s Destiny

I will be sharing some of my general thoughts on some of the books on my bookshelf. My goal is to give a glimpse of my interests, and what I like to read. Today I will be sharing my opinion on three books by Micheal Denton, two on evolution, and one on the “design” found in biology.

“Evolution: A Theory in Crisis” is Micheal Denton’s critique on Neo-Darwinian evolution. “Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis” is the updated version published in 2016. The author doesn’t think the Modern Synthesis is adequate to explain life on Earth. He claims that the order of life is non-adaptive, and that natural selection isn’t the major mechanism of evolution. He says there are “distinctive types” found in nature. While I agree that Neo-Darwinism is incorrect, I disagree on the distinctive types. I think he is overgeneralizing. For instance, he claims that each distinctive type has defining characteristics. But a simple look at life in the world shows this is not the case. Like a mammal’s defining characteristic is giving live birth, yet we find reptiles that give live birth. There are numerous incongruencies like this.

“Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe” is another good book by Micheal Denton. The title gives the general idea of what the book is about. His case is that the laws of physics and biology show that the universe is specifically made for humans. While I’m not so sure that the universe is designed specifically for HUMANS, I do believe that is is specifically designed for life, including human life. I do believe we are here for a purpose, which is spiritual growth. I don’t think the end point is humanity though I think we are destined for something more.

Micheal Denton is a good author, and I enjoy reading his work for the most part, although I disagree with some of the particulars.


What do you think?

Written by riverwild


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