Magnesium sulfate is a natural chemical that can be a huge boost to the garden and it is even quite helpful for potted plants. This miracle substance is better known as Epsom salt; the same substance you might add to bath water to soak tired, sore, or achy muscles.
Elemental help
Both magnesium and sulfur are needed for plants to be as healthy as possible. When Epsom salts break down, they yield magnesium, sulfur, and water. Additionally, Epsom salts readily dissolve in water, making them ideal for growing plants.
This chemical helps the plant build strong roots and cell walls, both of which help to increase the quality of the harvest.
Magnesium sulfate when planting seeds
If you are directly seeding your vegetables and fruits, sprinkle about one cup of Epsom salt per 50-feet of a garden row in the bottom of the furrow prior to planting the seeds. The germinating seeds immediately benefit from the boost in magnesium.
Use in planter pots
Vegetables and herbs started in starter-pots also benefit from a tablespoon of Epsom salt mixed into the dirt mixture before the seeds are planted. When the plants are then transplanted to the garden, again add a tablespoon of magnesium sulfate to the bottom of the hole or drill.
Use with houseplants
Unless a houseplant does best in poor soil, dissolve 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and use a cupful of this solution once a month on each houseplant, as fertilizer. This is especially good for use on plants that have leaves that are turning yellow and starting to curl up; a sign of magnesium deficiency.
Side dressing peppers and other plants
Mix three tablespoons of Epsom salts into a gallon of water and feed peppers and other plants one cup of the solution once every two weeks. This is very beneficial to peppers and to any plant that has heavy fruit. This can greatly increase the number and size of fruits produced. The exception is tomatoes, as mentioned below.
Feeding tomatoes magnesium sulfate water
Tomatoes can produce heavily if fed the same solution as above. However, tomatoes are heavy consumers of calcium. Adding Epsom salt to the soil lessens the amount of calcium the tomato plants can draw in through the roots. Because of this, spray the solution directly on the tomato plants.
Note: Don’t spray the solution on the plants when they are in the sunshine as this can cause sunburn.
Magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt, is a substance that can greatly help the plants in the garden. It strengthens the root system and can greatly increase the number of fruits that are produced. It dissolves easily in water and furnishes magnesium, which most plants need for healthy growth.
Epsom salts usually don’t cost much, yet this is a very good substance to feed your plants.
My grapevine must be getting enough of that from the soil as it never has yellow leaves. I wash my hair with Epsom salts.
You could actually use the water after you’ve washed your hair, to put on plants. Grapes tend to have an extensive root system, though, and they aren’t known as being heavy magnesium feeders.
Thank you for sharing. It is great to know about houseplants. I don’t have any right now but will keep this in mind. RIght now I am using Epsom salt to soak a sore toe.
It is a very useful substance, isn’t it? It’s interesting too…if plants start having their leaves turn yellow during growing season, it is probably a magnesium deficiency and in solution, most plants will absorb it right through the leaves if it is sprayed on.
This is very interesting and helpful. I will try on my houseplants.
The good thing about houseplants is that they don’t need as much as plants in a garden.