Believe it or not, nothing has worked out the way I planned it today. It seems like things couldn’t be more off track. Part of the problem is that I have been so busy with everything, I lost track of what day of the week it is. When you work every day lots of the days seem the same. For some reason I didn’t stay on top of my calendar. So I have decided to give up all the organized things and make some Christmas cookies.
I found this recipe online and it sounded fabulous to me. It’s a good evening to drop somethings in the goodie boxes. It is certainly cold enough that they will keep. And of course that reminded me of a song!
I have cookies to bake. You all have a great day if I don’t get back this evening.
(This is an edited post because of a spelling error)
I would very much like to try this cookie.
I have days like that more often than I want to admit!
The cookies were great, except for the one batch that burned because I forgot why I had set the timer.
i have to make something for my wife to take to a work party today, The first thing she said was “please don’t burn them!”
Well good luck. I had the timer set and everything!
Thanks! I need it! lots of flipping and turning!
sound delicious cookies
They were pretty darn good.
Those cookies look really delicious. I am not a cookie baker,
I wouldn’t say I am a great cookie baker, but I like eating them so I try!