in Food & Drink Irresistible Fun Food: Fritters by Cmoneyspinner August 12, 2019, 10:38 am 223 Views 8 Votes 6 Comments Share Tweet Pin Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionReport Pages:Previous 12Next post What do you think? 8 Points Upvote Downvote Browse and manage your votes from your Member Profile Page Share Tweet Pin Written by Cmoneyspinner facebook instagram pinterest tumblr twitter youtube 6 Comments After posting the empanada now you have the fritters. You make me hungry, you know? I love them very much, it doesn’t matter what they are made of. This one made me very hungry. Loved them all! scallops (the ones you shared) look amazing. But us Marylanders (as you probably recall) are crab crazy. 1 Yeah. I like scallops too. But I used to live in Maryland and I have to say: Best Crab Cakes Ever!!! 1 agreed but I like the crab balls better!
scallops (the ones you shared) look amazing. But us Marylanders (as you probably recall) are crab crazy. 1
Yeah. I like scallops too. But I used to live in Maryland and I have to say: Best Crab Cakes Ever!!! 1
After posting the empanada now you have the fritters. You make me hungry, you know?
I love them very much, it doesn’t matter what they are made of.
This one made me very hungry. Loved them all!
scallops (the ones you shared) look amazing.
But us Marylanders (as you probably recall) are crab crazy.
Yeah. I like scallops too. But I used to live in Maryland and I have to say: Best Crab Cakes Ever!!!
agreed but I like the crab balls better!