
Yoworld Homes Update 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

Yoworld Episode 21020

In February, my avatar is enjoying romance in NYC. She owns one townhouse and one studio, as she plans her roommate’s wedding and honeymoon. Breakfasts at the coffee shop next door, picnic luncheon at Central Park and dinners at the local pizzeria describes her daily life. She often takes stroll through the fashion district for her daily exercise.

My second avatar in Yoworld has different life, but lives in the same NYC area. They rarely come in contact because they each have different schedules. She lives in a two-bedroom apartment with her married friend and their little girl. But my avatar is single, with three pets, a small dog, cat, and rabbit. Her bedroom has a large balcony for partying. But they all share the big hallway that connects both master bedrooms. They live at a cheaper area, next door to a smaller coffeeshop. The next block has a garage and theater, and artist studios. But her balcony is over the apartment’s lobby, where many people have wedding receptions and other parties. Nearby, there is an artist café at a busy area, and more apartments. It is across the street from Central Park, filled with rats and pigeons. On the other side of the park is a popular French restaurant and café.


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