
Movie Review, The Post!

I will share a review without trying to create too many spoilers. However, if you have to take a US history course including the 1970’s you know how the movie ends! Still, The Post is filled with great performances and a story that was riveting. Tom Hanks is one of my personal favorites as far as the movies he has done in his career. Meryl Streep is one of my wive’s favorite actors. I find her hit and miss; I love her in some movies I don’t like her in others. In The Post, she was beyond brilliant.

The movie focuses on a dark period in America History. The president of the United States and the US Justice Department were directly attacking the free press. The two largest US papers, The New York Times and the Washington Post were appearing before the US Supreme Court to defend the reality of a free press.

I won’t go past that except to say that the movie is filled with great acting performances. The historical drama played out is one that I remembered and enjoyed reliving.

I give The Post a 5 out of 5!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!